Our Marist parishes, schools, communities
- Check that all our churches, schools, communities have an image of Fr Colin promonently displayed.
- Discuss with pastors and school personnel re the availability of printed resources in each place of workship and school facilities.
- Supply Colin-, anniversary-related inserts for newsletters and bulletins.
Promoting the Colin website, www.jeanclaudecolin.org
Distributing resources
- Plan to print and distribute hard copies* of selected resources to our communities, parishes, schools, Marist Laity and other Marist works.
- Digital copies of most resources are available from the Colin website.
- Many resources are in multiple languages.
- (* current research suggests that up to 94% of emailed attachments are unread, so there is a strong case for supplying hard copies of material we want to be read.)
Resources about Fr Colin
- ‘On Whatever Distant Shore: The Story of Jean-Claude Colin, Founder of the Society of Mary’.(short biography in DL sized leaflet format) Go to page
- 'Founder and Father' (small leaflet, available tin 50 languages) Go to page
- 'Who is Jean-Claude Colin?' (small page) Go to page
- Images of Fr Colin (official icon and other photos) Go to page
- Prayer bookmarks (‘Prayer for graces’, ‘Prayer for a miracle’) Go to page
Life story of Fr Colin - books
- Investigate sourcing copies and distribution of:
- ‘Jean-Claude Colin, Reluctant Founder’ (Biography, Justin Taylor) Go to page
- ‘A Short Life of Jean-Claude Colin, Marist Founder’ (Abbreviated biography, Justin Taylor; available in four languages) Go to page
Other resources
- 'The Marist Way' : elements of the Marist spirit. Go to page
- Fr Leon Olszamowski's article, ‘Fr Jean-Claude Colin SM, a saintly educator for his time and ours.’ Go to page
- Fr Colin's 'Ten Commandments for Missioners' Go to page
- 'Jean Coste speaks to Fr Colin' Go to page
- 'The Society of Mary has begun' Go to page
- 'The Family of Marists' Go to page
Colin calendars
- Ensure supplies are available for parish, school, community and lay group use.
- There is an order form at the foot of the 'Calendar' page (under 'Resources' menu) Go to page
Colin-related anniversaries
- These are recurring opportunities to celebrate a Colin event or resource distribution
- See Colin website 'Anniversaries' page (under 'Resources' menu). Go to page
- Check related liturgy, prayer resources and language options.
- Distribute anniversary list for communities, parishes, schools and lay groups.
Develop a Jean-Claude Colin ‘App’
- For use on hand-held devices (phones, tablets…)
- Quotes from Fr Colin
- Anniversary-related item